Great Baddow Cricket Club

Great Baddow Cricket Club News story

Fantasy Cricket Preview - Week 2

10 May 2024


Fantasy Buy/Sell/Captain

With cricket weather firmly upon us this weekend and a full set of fixtures to look forward to, here is your preview on who to buy/sell/captain ahead of game week 2 in our fantasy season.

If you appear in this section, please do not take offence! It is by no means a reflection of your form or ability. Remember you get 1 free transfer a week, anymore and you will encounter a penalty of -10.

Buys of the week

If you are looking at saving some budget for those more premium players, then a budget option would be of Craig Nuttall (£1.5). Whilst ‘Big Un’ wasn’t available for original selection, he rolled back the years last weekend with a couple of wickets seeing him be the 5th highest scorer in the batter category. A true case of class being permanent, form being temporary. With a club career average of 40.6 & 10k runs under his belt coupled with an away ground where runs flowed quite easy last season, this could be the most obvious buy of the week.

Another budget option to consider is David Baxter (£2m) who appears to have been categorized incorrectly. He is currently on fire with the bowl, picking up regular wickets in the games he has played and currently has a strike rate of a wicket every 19 bowls. With variations as random as lottery numbers, he can be a hard one to overlook and could be a difference maker given his lack of ownership which currently stands at 19%.

Sell of the week

The sells of the week are the high-priced options that are not playing again for a second consecutive week. These are Bhaj Singh (£8m, 24% ownership) and Shanker Gunalan (£6m, 19% ownership). Whilst they may be high point returners when they are in the side, the money spent on these two will be better distributed across your squad now rather than draining your resources and scoring zilch!

Captain of the Week

Whilst the obvious case would be Jake Haley (£6m) after his exploits last week, with the weather set fair and playing against tough opposition could make me want to step back and see what happens. Therefore, this weeks best candidate for captain is leading 2nd team all-rounder Sean Good (£7m. He is as consistent as they come and I do not see that changing anytime soon! With only 30% ownership, it may be tricky to find a spot for him if you don’t currently have him, but with the potential return back down the order to his favoured #7 position, a cameo could potentially be on the cards to earn those crucial batting points, but most importantly, he looks set for another haul in the wickets column. Last weeks antics saw him score the 2nd most points in the game (80) and should he repeat that, then his price will no doubt certainly rise.